Why Do Cats Go Limp When You Pick Them Up

Why Is My Cat Limping? | Cat health, Cat problems, Cat health problems

Why Do Cats Go Limp When You Pick Them Up?

The first time I picked up my cat, Mittens, she went completely limp, and I thought I had hurt her. I quickly put her down, but she just stood there, staring at me with wide eyes. I was confused and a little scared, but I soon learned that this was a common reaction in cats when they are picked up.

There are several reasons why cats go limp when you pick them up. Some cats simply don’t like being picked up, and they will go limp as a way of protesting. Other cats may be afraid of heights, and they will go limp when you pick them up because they feel like they are going to fall. Still other cats may be in pain, and they will go limp when you pick them up because it hurts them to be moved.

Is It Painful When You Pick Up a Cat

The answer to this question is not always clear-cut. Some cats may experience discomfort or pain when being picked up, while others may not. The key to understanding your cat’s reaction is to pay attention to their body language and behavior.

If your cat goes limp when you pick them up, it is important to remain calm and avoid making any sudden movements. This can help to reduce your cat’s anxiety and make them more comfortable.

Why Do Cats Hate Being Picked Up

There are several reasons why cats may dislike being picked up. Some cats simply prefer to be on the ground, where they feel more secure. Others may have had negative experiences with being picked up in the past, such as being dropped or being held too tightly.

If your cat does not like being picked up, there are a few things you can do to make the experience more comfortable for them. First, try to pick them up from a low position, such as when they are sitting or lying down. This can help to reduce their sense of vulnerability. Second, be gentle when you pick them up, and avoid squeezing them too tightly.

How to Pick Up a Cat

If you need to pick up your cat, there are a few things you can do to make the experience less stressful for them. First, approach your cat slowly and calmly. Do not make any sudden movements or loud noises, as this can startle them.

Once you are close to your cat, gently place one hand under their chest and the other hand under their hindquarters. Lift your cat slowly and gently, and support their body as you do so. If your cat starts to struggle, stop and try again later.


Picking up a cat can be a simple task, but it is important to be aware of your cat’s body language and behavior to ensure that they are comfortable. If your cat goes limp when you pick them up, it is important to remain calm and avoid making any sudden movements. This can help to reduce your cat’s anxiety and make them more comfortable.

With a little patience and understanding, you can learn to pick up your cat in a way that is both comfortable for them and for you.


Q: Why do cats go limp when you pick them up?

A: There are several reasons why cats go limp when you pick them up. Some cats simply don’t like being picked up, while others may be afraid of heights or be in pain.

Q: Is it painful for cats to be picked up?

A: The answer to this question is not always clear-cut. Some cats may experience discomfort or pain when being picked up, while others may not. If your cat goes limp when you pick them up, it is important to remain calm and avoid making any sudden movements.

Q: Why do some cats hate being picked up?

A: There are several reasons why cats may dislike being picked up. Some cats simply prefer to be on the ground, where they feel more secure. Others may have had negative experiences with being picked up in the past, such as being dropped or being held too tightly.

Q: How can I make my cat more comfortable being picked up?

A: If your cat does not like being picked up, there are a few things you can do to make the experience more comfortable for them. First, try to pick them up from a low position, such as when they are sitting or lying down. This can help to reduce their sense of vulnerability. Second, be gentle when you pick them up, and avoid squeezing them too tightly.

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Why Is My Cat Limping All Of A Sudden? [2023] Apr 28, 2023There are many potential causes of limping in cats. A bone, muscle, tendon, or ligament injury is the most obvious reason that a cat is limping. Infections from bite wounds are also a very common reason why cats limp. When cats fight, they can leave behind deep puncture wounds caused by bites. These wounds become infected and abscess, causing

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